Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Isaac at School

Today Isaac heard the president tell him to set educational goals, exercise, and eat good foods. Naturally, such things can only lead to one place, and this is my son this afternoon:


krissiecook said...

I am shocked, SHOCKED, that you would allow him to hear such a radical message. I would have preferred to let him just watch network TV, where they will teach him to hurt people, use offensive language, treat women like property and of course watch more TV.
(I actually am a little shocked his school broadcasted the address. I mean, Texas and all. I guess it's OK as long as it doesn't touch the evolution "controversy.")

JHD said...

Granted, Isaac does go to the University run Charter School, so he's surrounded by pansy-liberals with advanced degrees (advanced degree is double-talk for communist, you know - except for MBA which is code for "right hand of god"). In fact, his new school is going to be featured on Sesame Street next season for innovations in educational excellence, so I guess he really is in a cesspool communism. Well paid teachers, clean, safe, and secure facility, a mix of all incomes and races from the community - what new hell is this? Well, the state has mandated we change Isaac's name to Yitzhak Ilyich Dormadov (all the trendy Communist/Jewish conspiracy kids are using it these days). I need to go down, board my black helicopter, and head off to UN headquarters where I will register him under his new name and turn in my guns. Have a good day.

JHD said...

Krissie - I should point out that any self-respecting Texan child would be home watching parent-approved shows like "Killin' Stuff with Ted Nugent" or "Biblical Prophecies of Death - from your Friends At Grace Bible Baptist Church."

Clark said...

It isn't the message. It's the precedent it sets. It was a great speech (well, I read the prepared text). But even the State of the Union has an opposing viewpoint. Don't you see this is just "building the Obama brand"?

JHD said...

A precedent set by ...

Ronald Reagan

George Herbert Walker Bush

Every senator and congressman that visits the schools in the districts they represent.