Thursday, May 14, 2009

Torn - but had to share: The Divine Numbers

I received the following email from a student. I just informed her that the math was just not there for her to pass the course, so she would be better served studying for another class. This was her reply:

I thank you for imforming me that I will not pass your class but Im not going to give up and not show up for the exam. I believe that God has the last word in my grade therefore I will be at the exam on tomorrow. I dont understand why there is no possible way for me to pass because I attend class and both of my test grades were in the fifty's but my final could at least pull me up to a D depending on my grade. I have faith in God and if I do not show up that just shows that the devil got his way. So I will see you tomorrow.

Ok. I appreciate her faith, but man...I'm not sure what sort of mathematical trick or gemmatria could change things for her.


krissiecook said...

Wow, that is quite a show of faith, as you say. I wonder how far faith gets you in Texas; does it get you as far as actually studying and working will?

Clark said...

Hmmm.... must be that "new math" they're teaching these days in pubic schools. Anyway, thanks for the laughs and the vocab building exercise (Gematria had me stumped, but Wikipedia knows all...)