Monday, November 10, 2008

Wiener Head Giraffe?

Our family has entered the 21st Century with a blog. Huzzah. The Extraordinary Ordinary is our (my - Carol seems a little unenthusiastic about the project at this point) attempt to celebrate the little adventures of our growing family.
In truth, I could say "we" as Isaac, age 4 until January, seems fairly excited about it and he even picked out the URL - Yep, you read correctly, Wiener Head Giraffe.

He hadn't seen the picture featured here, but after he gave me that name I had to google Wiener Head Giraffe and see what came up. This one showed up on several blogs - City of Marigolds and I Heart Weener Dogs to name a couple. To be honest, this is more of a giraffe headed wiener, but it still works for me.

The Island of Dr. Moreau aside, we plan to use the space to keep the "grands" up to date, perhaps to keep in touch with distant friends who don't have access to our MyFamily page, and to indulge some self satisfying desires to share our extraordinarily ordinary adventures and some reflective prose with the occasional unwitting web surfer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isaac chose a great URL - love the dachsund!