Friday, September 17, 2010

Well, We Are Still Here

Fall, not spring, always sparks in me the idea of renewal. I think as farmer kid the harvest always seemed like the end of a cycle and the start of something new, not spring. Spring is in the middle of everything.

Anyway, if anyone still has us linked and occasionaly looks in on us... we are still here in Texas. This summer I was in Mexico, Carol was in California, and we all went to Montana and all points in between. In short, we happily spent the summer away from Texas. Now, of course, we are back in Texas... where fall doesn't seem to mark the end of the hot weather.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Photo Shoot!
For all of those who have been wondering why there were not a million ba-zillion pictures of Helen up here: I lost the cord to download. But I have found it so Let the pictures begin. This is from our most recent session. She loves having her picture taken, and will sit and smile quite nicely.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Vienna, West Virginia

Ok... who do we know in Vienna, West Virginia? It is driving me nuts seeing all these visits to the family site and to my Latin America blog. Who DO we know that lives in West Virginia?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homeward Bound

Carol is on her way home. She tells me she has left her phone charger in Boston, so she may not be returning calls. Sorry to all who feel slighted.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Isaac at School

Today Isaac heard the president tell him to set educational goals, exercise, and eat good foods. Naturally, such things can only lead to one place, and this is my son this afternoon: